Last update: 2023-03-28 02:46:43

The graph below visualizes the distribution of followers (the histogram in the background) but also data for single politicians (each point is a politician). The graph lets you select/zoom into areas of the graph to compare politicians. When you hover over the points with your mouse, the name of the politician as well as the corresponding data are shown. We can see that influence in terms of followers is highly unequal across politicians with most politicians having between 0 and 20k followers. At the same time there are extreme outliers such as Lauterbach and other well-known party figures.

Below we visualize influence in terms of retweets (across the time period indicated in the graph). Importantly, these are only retweets of tweets politicians' published themselves (i.e., original tweets no retweets). Again, we can observe that influence is very unequal across politicans. Interesingly, some of the politicians that are influential in terms of followers, are not retweeted a lot. While Lauterbach is an outlier in terms of both measures (follower and retweet influence), others such as Lindner, Maas etc. only rank highly on the follower measure. On the retweet metric it is other politicians that have high values (often they do seem to come from the AfD).

Finally, the last graph plots followers and retweets against each other. The x-axis shows the number of followers, and the y-axis shows the number of retweets in the given time period. Importantly, these are only retweets of tweets politicians' published themselves (i.e., original tweets no retweets). As suggested above, an interesting pattern is that a high number of followers does not necessarily coincide with a high number of retweets. Few politicans are influential in terms of both followers and retweets.
The graph lets you select and compare politicians. And you can filter the underlying data so that only the subset of politicians for a particular party is shown (select all to show all politicians). When you hover over the points with your mouse, the name of the politician as well as the corresponding data are shown.

© Paul C. Bauer