Build your own app

1 Schedule for today

Time Topic
10:00 - 11:00 Good practices when building your own app
11:00 - 11:15 Coffee break
11:15 - 12:00 Build your own app: Design and UI
12:00 - 13:00 Lunch break
13:00 - 14:15 Build your own app: Construct the reactive graph
14:15 - 14:30 Coffee break
14:30 - 15:30 Build your own app: Strengthen & deploy
15:30 - 16:00 Exhibit: Show off your new Shiny app

This schedule is mostly a suggestion! Depending on the type of app you are building, some of these tasks require more or less time.

2 Good practices

2.1 Use Large Language Models (LLMs)

  • LLMs increase productivity and we recommend using it regularly (get used to it)

2.1.1 Attention: Hallucination

  • Attention: Always cross-validate the information given by a LLM
    • Why? Hallucination.. (see characterization statements on Wikipedia)
      • “a tendency to invent facts in moments of uncertainty” (OpenAI, May 2023)
      • “a model’s logical mistakes” (OpenAI, May 2023)
      • fabricating information entirely, but behaving as if spouting facts (CNBC, May 2023)
      • “making up information” (The Verge, February 2023)
  • Very good overview on Wikipedia
  • Discussions in Zhang et al. (2023), Huang et al. (2023) and Metz (2023)
  • Problem less relevant when asking LLMs for function code because you check/test it yourself

2.1.2 Avaible LLMs

2.1.3 Useful prompts

  • LLMs can be used to…
    • …code & understand code.
    • …solve data management tasks.
    • …solve data visualization tasks.
    • …solve modeling tasks.
    • …understand statistical theory.
  • Some exemplary prompts in the sections below. Prompts: code & understand code/functions

  • Understand the code of a shiny app:
Please explain what the shiny app below does. How does it work and what is it's logic.

ui <- fluidPage(
  textInput("name", "What's your name?"),

server <- function(input, output, session) {
  output$greeting <- renderText({
    paste0("Hello ", input$name, "!")
shinyApp(ui, server)

Followed by:

Please add ... to the shiny app.

  • Understand a function and its arguments:
Please explain the hyperparamters in this model:

xgb_spec <- boost_tree(
  trees = 1000,
  tree_depth = tune(), min_n = tune(),
  loss_reduction = tune(),                     ## first three: model complexity
  sample_size = tune(), mtry = tune(),         ## randomness
  learn_rate = tune()                          ## step size
) %>%
  set_engine("xgboost") %>%

Followed by:

Please further explain the learn_rate. Prompts: Data management & preparation

  • Obtain code to recode variable in a dataset:
Please provide dplyr code to rename the following variables and give them better names (lowercaps). Below is the codebook:

pdwrk - Doing last 7 days: paid work
edctn - Doing last 7 days: education
uempla - Doing last 7 days: unemployed, actively looking for job
uempli - Doing last 7 days: unemployed, not actively looking for job
dsbld - Doing last 7 days: permanently sick or disabled
rtrd - Doing last 7 days: retired
cmsrv - Doing last 7 days: community or military service
hswrk - Doing last 7 days: housework, looking after children, others
dngoth - Doing last 7 days: other
dngref - Doing last 7 days: refusal
dngdk - Doing last 7 days: don't know
dngna - Doing last 7 days: no answer

  • Inquire about necessary preprocessing steps for ML models:
How do I need to prepare and preprocess the data if I want to built a Naive Bayes classifier?

What is particular in data preparation for Naive Bayes that is not necessary for other machine learning models?

How should I ideally preprocess the data that I feed into a Naive Bayes classifier?

I want to build a Naive Bayes Classifier. Please outline the preprocessing steps that you would recommend and provide tidymodels recipe code that includes those step.
Please write the code into a single recipe. Prompts: Data visualization

  • Get basic plotting code for a variable:
I have a dataset called "data" that includes the variable age. Please provide me with ggplot code to produce a histogram.

  • Explain ggplot2 code and add comments:
Please explain the ggplot2 code by adding comments to the code below.


  • Find out how to modify code:
I want to change the x-axis lables (angle 50%) in the ggplot2 code below:

  • Ask general questions:
I can I encode data dimensions in a graph? What possibilities do I have?

  • Ask general questions:
How can I ideally visualize a linegraph where the two lines are perfectly overlapping each other but I want to visualize just that.

  • Ask how to update old code using newer packages:
How can I translate the code below when I want to use the sf package in R instead of rgdal?

readOGR(dsn="www/data", layer="VG250_GEM", encoding = "ASCII", verbose = FALSE) Prompts: Modeling

  • Ask about statistical models:
What is the difference between a logistic regression model and naive bayes in the machine learning context?

Which machine learning models that we can use for classification have a problem with class imbalance? ChatGPT4o: Upload data & generate plot

  1. Load the data into R (here we use the preloaded swiss dataset)

  2. Run the code below

# Load necessary packages
    # install.packages("synthpop")

# Load the dataset
    data <- swiss # load your own dataset here

# View the original swiss dataset

# Generate synthetic data to anonymize the original dataset
# The syn function will generate synthetic data while preserving the structure and statistical properties
    synth_data <- syn(data)

# View the synthetic data

# Replace the original data with the synthetic data
    data <- synth_data$syn

# View the modified dataset to ensure it has been replaced correctly

# Save the new dataset locally
    write_csv(data, "data_fake.csv")
  1. Upload data_fake.csv and Figure 1 (this is just an example) into ChatGPT4o.
Figure 1: Coefficient plot
  1. Use the following prompt. If the plot is not based on that particular dataset, i.e., include the variable names of the dataset, you may have to also add which variables should be mapped in which way.
I uploaded a dataset and a plot. Please provide me the ggplot2 code that I need to produce that plot based on the data in one code chunk.`
  1. As a follow-up you can refine the plot code through prompts (“Please omit the intercept from the plot”).

2.1.4 Discussion: LLMs

  • What useful prompts have you learned about?
  • What are the dangers of using LLMs (e.g., ChatGPT)?
    • e.g., privacy, dependency, etc.

2.2 Draw the reactive graph (

  • We have seen various reactive graphs (and learned about reactivity logging)
  • Drawing the reactive graph for your own app..
    • …helps to understand the reactive logic of your app
    • …helps you to find inefficiencies (duplicated code)
    • …helps to think about alternative reactive models
    • …helps to debug more complex apps
  • a diagramming or whiteboarding application
  • Steps
    1. Download the file for the reactive graph here
    2. Go to the website
    3. Select “Diagramme speichern in/Save diagrams” -> “Später fragen/Ask later”
    4. Select “Datei öffnen von Gerät”
    5. Search for the file you downloaded: “reactive-graph-ess-app.drawio”
    6. Open the file
    7. Modify the graph for your shiny app

2.3 Anonymize data & synthetic data

  • If you work on sensitive data…
    • …you might still want to share the shiny app publicly
    • …share the shiny app outside of your organization
    • …seek help from outsiders
  • For this you need synthetic data that you can create as shown below:
# Install and load the synthpop package

# Load your dataset
# For demonstration, let's use the iris dataset
  original_data <- iris # iris is your dataframe (replace with your own data, e.g., imported in R)

# Generate synthetic data
  data_synthetic_list <- syn(original_data)
  # data_synthetic_list is a list

# Extract the new synthetic data and store in a datafame
# data_synthetic contains the synthetica data that you can share (with us)
  data_synthetic <- data_synthetic_list$syn

# Save the data
  write_csv(data_synthetic, "data_synthetic.csv")

2.4 Use the browser inspector

  • Browser inspectors are an extremely powerful tool that goes far beyond the scope of this workshop
  • It can be used to take a deep look at a website
    • What colors and fonts are used?
    • How would the Shiny app look like on different screen sizes?
    • How would the Shiny app look like to color-blind people?
    • How are UI elements translated to HTML and CSS?
    • How are widths and heights translated to pixels?
    • Which HTTP requests are sent when running the Shiny app?
    • Does my website evoke any client-side errors?
    • … and a lot more

2.4.1 Browser inspectors in the wild

Simulating an iPad view using the Firefox Page Inspector

2.4.2 Pros and Cons

  • Inspectors are useful for:
    • Conveying an understanding of essential HTML and CSS
    • Fine-tuning the UI of a Shiny app
    • Implementing corporate designs
  • Inspectors are excessive if:
    • The goal is primarily to get a functioning app
    • Exploring a new elaborate tool beyond Shiny is a bit too much

2.5 Organize your code

  • Shiny code becomes messy really quick!
  • It is even more important than in normal code to keep code clean and tidy
  • Why should I organize my code?
    • It is easier for colleagues to quickly grasp what your code does
    • It is easier for you to get back to your project after some time
    • Programming with organized code is much faster and much more fun

2.5.1 Functional programming

  • Wrap code in functions if:
    • It is repeated more than two times
    • It is complex and might profit from abstraction
  • Bad:
  • Good:
geometric_mean <- function(x) exp(mean(log(x)))
summarize(iris, across(where(is.numeric), geometric_mean))

2.5.2 Stick to a style guide

  • Adopting a consistent coding style drastically improves readability for yourself and contributors
  • The styler and lintr packages automatically check your code for style inconsistencies, bad practictes, and possible syntactic/semantic errors
  • The following code is valid, but deciphering what’s going on might take a while
  ,numericInput("bins","bins",10,min= 1),plotOutput("hist"))
) {
          ,main=input$var)},res =96

2.5.3 Annotate your code

  • Even in smaller apps, Shiny code is multiple hundred lines long
  • RStudio annotations can help navigate large R code files
# Header 1 ----
## Header 1.1 ----
### Header 1.1.1 ----
### Header 1.1.2 ----
# Header 2 ----

Example of an RStudio outline

2.5.4 Modularize your Shiny code

  • If your Shiny app is divided into multiple tabs or sections, it might make sense to wrap it into modules
  • By modularizing, you divide a large Shiny app into multiple smaller pieces that are isolated from each other
  • Modularization is a very advanced topic and there is an entire chapter in Mastering Shiny – but it is good to know that it’s possible

Example of a modularized app

2.5.5 Build your Shiny app as a package

  • This tip is particularly useful for larger apps
  • The idea is to build a robust scaffold around the Shiny app
  • A number of R packages specialize on this task: Rhino golem, and leprechaun
  • Benefits:
    • Automatically handles dependencies, no more library and there is no package called ‘xxx’
    • Facilitates sharing Shiny apps without deployment
    • Supports multiple Shiny apps in one app
    • Enables testing workflows and thus more robust code
    • All R code files in one place

3 Data

  • To build your Shiny app, we suggest one of the following datasets

3.1 Bring your own dataset

  • If you already have a dataset that you want to build an app around, feel free to do this today!

3.2 European social survey - wave 9

  • We used this dataset alongside the workshop
  • It contains data on political trust, political spectrum, demographics, internet use, happiness, and income
  • The dataset contains haven labels which help understand the scales of each variables
  • Base information:
    • Region: Europe
    • Time: 2018
    • Observations: 49,519
    • Variables: 14
  • How to read the data:
library(haven) # the haven package has to be attached
ess <- readRDS("ess_trust.rds")
# A tibble: 49,519 × 14
    idno country internet_use          trust_parliament trust_legal trust_police
   <dbl> <chr>   <dbl+lbl>             <dbl+lbl>        <dbl+lbl>   <dbl+lbl>   
 1    27 AT      5 [Every day]         5 [5]            10 [Comple… 10 [Complet…
 2   137 AT      5 [Every day]         7 [7]             8 [8]       8 [8]      
 3   194 AT      4 [Most days]         6 [6]             8 [8]       8 [8]      
 4   208 AT      5 [Every day]         0 [No trust at …  5 [5]       8 [8]      
 5   220 AT      1 [Never]             7 [7]             8 [8]       8 [8]      
 6   254 AT      2 [Only occasionally] 6 [6]             5 [5]       7 [7]      
 7   290 AT      1 [Never]             0 [No trust at …  5 [5]       5 [5]      
 8   301 AT      1 [Never]             5 [5]             7 [7]       7 [7]      
 9   305 AT      5 [Every day]         1 [1]            10 [Comple… 10 [Complet…
10   400 AT      4 [Most days]         3 [3]             5 [5]       5 [5]      
# ℹ 49,509 more rows
# ℹ 8 more variables: trust_politicians <dbl+lbl>, trust_parties <dbl+lbl>,
#   trust_eu <dbl+lbl>, trust_un <dbl+lbl>, left_right <dbl+lbl>,
#   happiness <dbl+lbl>, age <dbl+lbl>, income_feeling <dbl+lbl>
  • Datamap:
Column Description
idno Respondent ID
country Country ID
internet_use People can use the internet on different devices such as computers, tablets and smartphones. How often do you use the internet on these or any other devices, whether for work or personal use?
trust_parliament How much do you personally trust the national parliament?
trust_legal How much do you personally trust the legal system?
trust_police How much do you personally trust the police?
trust_politicians How much do you personally trust politicians?
trust_parties How much do you personal trust political parties?
trust_eu How much do you personally trust the European parliament?
trust_un How much do you personally trust the United Nations?
left_right In politics people sometimes talk of ‘left’ and ‘right’. Where would you place yourself on this scale, where 0 means the left and 10 means the right?
happiness Taking all things together, how happy would you say you are?
age Age of the respondent
income_feeling Which of the descriptions on this card comes closest to how you feel about your household’s income nowadays?

3.3 Guerry dataset

  • This dataset stems from the “Essay on the Moral Statistics of France” from 1830, written by André-Michel Guerry
  • It features a number of indicators of the so-called “moral statistics”, including crime, literacy, wealth, donations, and more
  • The dataset is an sf dataset containing department polygons of 19th century France – it may thus be convenient for creating an app using leaflet maps
  • Base information:
  • How to read the data:
guerry <- readRDS(url(""))
Simple feature collection with 85 features and 26 fields
Geometry type: MULTIPOLYGON
Dimension:     XY
Bounding box:  xmin: 47680 ymin: 1703258 xmax: 1031401 ymax: 2677441
CRS:           NA
# A tibble: 85 × 27
   code_dept count ave_id_geo  dept region department   crime_pers crime_prop
   <fct>     <dbl>      <dbl> <int> <fct>  <fct>             <int>      <int>
 1 01            1         49     1 E      Ain               28870      15890
 2 02            1        812     2 N      Aisne             26226       5521
 3 03            1       1418     3 C      Allier            26747       7925
 4 04            1       1603     4 E      Basses-Alpes      12935       7289
 5 05            1       1802     5 E      Hautes-Alpes      17488       8174
 6 07            1       2249     7 S      Ardeche            9474      10263
 7 08            1      35395     8 N      Ardennes          35203       8847
 8 09            1       2526     9 S      Ariege             6173       9597
 9 10            1      34410    10 E      Aube              19602       4086
10 11            1       2807    11 S      Aude              15647      10431
# ℹ 75 more rows
# ℹ 19 more variables: literacy <int>, donations <int>, infants <int>,
#   suicides <int>, main_city <ord>, wealth <int>, commerce <int>,
#   clergy <int>, crime_parents <int>, infanticide <int>,
#   donation_clergy <int>, lottery <int>, desertion <int>, instruction <int>,
#   prostitutes <int>, distance <dbl>, area <int>, pop1831 <dbl>,
#   geometry <MULTIPOLYGON>
  • Datamap:
Column Description
dept Department ID
region Region of France (‘N’=’North’, ‘S’=’South’, ‘E’=’East’, ‘W’=’West’, ‘C’=’Central’)
department Department name
crime_pers Population per crime against persons
crime_prop Population per crime against property
literacy Percent of military conscripts who can read and write
donations Number of donations to the poor
infants Population per illegitimate birth
suicides Population per suicide
main_city Size of the principal city (‘1:Sm’, ‘2:Med’, ‘3:Lg’)
wealth Per capita tax on personal property
commerce Rank of the number of patents per population
clergy Rank of the number of Catholic priests in active service population
crime_parents Rank of the ratio of crimes against parents to all crimes
infanticide Number of infanticides per population
donation_clergy Number of bequests and donations to the clergy per population
lottery Per capita wager on Royal Lottery
desertion Number of soldiers accused of desertion minus the deficit produced by insuffiency of available billets
instruction Inverse literacy
prostitutes Number of prostitutes registered in Paris
distance Distance to paris in km
area Area in km²
pop1831 Population in 1831, in thousands

4 Exercises

Exercise 1: 11:15 - 12:00

Taking one of the datasets introduced above – ESS, Guerry, or your own dataset, reflect on a possible Shiny app that you can build using the dataset.

  1. Think about a few questions your app should answer or activities that users should be able to do with the app (e.g., plot distributions).
  2. Create a sketch (paper/pencil) and design a prototype of the user interface based on this sketch.
  3. Think about the shiny inputs/outputs you would need to realize that design prototype.
  4. Look at your data and explore preprocessing steps that you would need to do to arrive at the desired outputs (e.g., is aggregation necessary?).
  5. Start coding and build out a user interface that reflects your sketch.
Exercise 2: 13:00 - 14:15

Based on the prototype developed in exercise 1, sketch a reactive graph. Try to implement this reactive system in the server function of your app. Importantly, start slowly (one output at a time!).

Exercise 3: 14:30 - 15:30

Deploy the app created in the last exercise using either or shinylive.


Huang, Lei, Weijiang Yu, Weitao Ma, Weihong Zhong, Zhangyin Feng, Haotian Wang, Qianglong Chen, et al. 2023. “A Survey on Hallucination in Large Language Models: Principles, Taxonomy, Challenges, and Open Questions,” November.
Metz, Cade. 2023. “Chatbots May ‘Hallucinate’ More Often Than Many Realize.” The New York Times, November.
Zhang, Yue, Yafu Li, Leyang Cui, Deng Cai, Lemao Liu, Tingchen Fu, Xinting Huang, et al. 2023. “Siren’s Song in the AI Ocean: A Survey on Hallucination in Large Language Models,” September.